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Biocontrol Introductory Webinar PART 3: ASEAN FAW Biocontrol (Augmentation & Conservation Approach)
ASEAN Fall Armyworm Biocontrol Series: Part 3 (Augmentation and Conservation Approaches)
Biocontrol Introductory Webinar Series PART 1: ASEAN Fall Army Worm Biocontrol (Classical Approach)
Biocontrol Introductory Webinar Series PART 2: ASEAN Fall Army Worm Biocontrol (Biopesticide use)
ASEAN Fall Armyworm Biocontrol Series: Part 1 (Biocontrol and Classical Approaches)
Biocontrol Technical Workshop Session 1:Field Collect. & Identification of FAW Parasitoid & Predator
Biocontrol Technical Workshop Session 5 : Farmer Acceptance of Biocontrol Approach & Scale-Up Issue
ASEAN Fall Armyworm Biocontrol Series: Part 2 (Biopesticide Use)
BTW Session 7: Conservation Biocontrol
BTW Session 3: Selection & Release of Parasitoid and Predator for Mass Production and Release
FAO FAW Webinar Session 2, November 3, 2020
FAO FAW Webinar Session 1, Video Part 2, OCT 29 2020